What is 360 Digital Marketing and Why is it Important

Published on
August 1, 2024

It’s easy to feel lost in today’s competitive market that’s comprised of numerous online platforms, trends, channels, and constantly changing algorithms. 360 digital marketing strategies can help you adapt to this overwhelming range of possibilities to remain competitive and relevant. The idea is to focus on a seamless brand experience through all digital touchpoints rather than just a couple.

While different marketing strategies rely on different channels, a 360 marketing strategy includes all available channels to relay a cohesive message to your audience. In other words, you cover all the points of contact to create an impactful brand message for your campaign. In the following, we will define 360 digital marketing and explain why it is important for your business.

What is 360 Digital Marketing?

360 digital marketing, as the name suggests, is a comprehensive approach that ensures consistency in messaging, branding, and customer interactions from every angle. The holistic nature of this approach goes beyond traditional marketing by integrating various channels and platforms simultaneously. This essentially means it deals with both ATL (Above the Line) and BTL (Below the Line) marketing, focusing on both mass media and targeted advertising.

To understand this better, think of a customer’s journey. Starting from initial awareness to the final buying decision, one can come across numerous points of interaction. A 360 marketing strategy ensures that all of those points are covered to create an omnichannel presence that is engaging and consistent.

Key components of 360 digital marketing

Business website

  • Business website
  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • PPC advertising
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Influencer marketing

Why Do You Need 360 Digital Marketing?

360 digital marketing, sometimes also known as omnichannel marketing, can help you stand out in the overwhelming information in today’s market. It’s not exaggerating to say that we have unlimited sources of interactions. Take social media and advertising, for example. To really make an impact on your buyers’ journey, you need to exploit all sources to attract and retain potential customers. Here are some of the many benefits of 360 digital marketing for your business.

Increased Brand Awareness

One of the key aspects of a 360 marketing strategy is consistent brand messaging through a unified approach. This aids in enhanced brand awareness across all platforms, including your website, social media, search engines, etc. By implementing 360 digital marketing in your branding strategy, you can build trust and reliability among your audience.

Reaching a Wider Audience

Speaking of audiences, a 360 marketing campaign can gain a wider customer base than almost any marketing strategy. Since you are leveraging multiple channels at the same time in your campaign, you can easily cast a wider net and connect with your buyer at any potential point of interaction, maximizing client acquisition possibilities.

Personalized Customer Experience

360 marketing campaigns aim to enhance a customer’s journey by tapping into their suitable interaction process. Meaning you can gather data across multiple channels and utilize them to focus on more targeted messaging. Address the customer’s point of engagement, and make it easier to connect with your brand and strengthen your relationship.

Competitive Advantage

The more channels you cover, the more ahead you are in the competition, especially those who rely on single-channel marketing strategies. Adapting to a comprehensive 360 marketing strategy will also help you stay ahead of the curve and be agile to market changes and updates.

Measurable Data Insights

A 360 marketing approach allows you to collect data from various sources through various channels. You can gather valuable insights into your marketing campaign performance and optimize as necessary. You also get a comprehensive view of your audience’s behavior across different channels and customize your campaign accordingly.

Better ROI

What’s more important to a business than its ROI (Return on Investment)? The very nature of 360 digital marketing ensures the highest customer acquisition, hence, more sales and better ROI. If you optimize your costs and allocate resources effectively to each marketing channel, you can achieve the highest return on your investments. Not to mention, each channel can support other channels without you having to spend more on expansion.

Customer Retention

Guiding a customer through their buying journey shouldn’t end with the purchase, and 360 digital marketing ensures just that. By implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy and engaging with customers through all possible channels, you can build stronger relationships with your customer base that stretches beyond conversion. Hence, improved customer retention rate and continuous growth.

Master the Art of 360 Marketing with Verce

Now that you know what is 360 digital marketing and its benefits, are you ready to take your business to the next level? Don’t look around; Verce can be your one-stop shop for all things 360 marketing. Our industry-expert marketing team provides ATL, BTL, and Digital marketing solutions unique to your business needs. Let us take care of the intricacies of content creation, campaigns, social media shares, advertising, and audience engagement while you focus on your core business activities. Let’s talk!

Tags: marketing, 360 marketing, digital marketing, branding, 360 advertising, content campaign, marketingVerce

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